
Antonina Gruevski


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Antonina (Nina) is a registered psychologist with over 15 years of experience in mental health. She works with individuals experiencing a broad range of issues (including depression, anxiety, and stress; post-traumatic stress and trauma; adjustment to injury & pain; workplace difficulties; relationship and marriage difficulties; grief and loss; low self-esteem; anger issues; and pregnancy & parenting support).

Counselling sessions are seen as a collaborative process, where the values and goals of each client are acknowledged and respected.

Effective from 1st July 2024, the fee for a 50+ minute session under a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) will be $170, with a Medicare rebate of $96.65, resulting in a gap fee of $73.35.

Bookings with Nina can only be made in person or over the phone: 07 3804 1700.