We’re here to help in a crisis
Qualitas Health is committed to providing the community with the highest standard of health care

telehealth or in-person appointments
More ways to access your GP than ever before
We have opened our practices to alternative consultation methods, allowing patients more flexibility to receive care in their preferred way. You can now have your appointment at a time that suits you, in person or on the phone, with your regular GP. It is convenient to you and reduces the number of patients that we have onsite at any one time.
A telehealth appointment can be made as you would your regular appointments, by calling the practice or following the online booking instructions on your local Qualitas Health practice page.
Our Commitment to you
We adhere to strict COVID-19 protocols onsite to protect you
Qualitas Health is committed to ensuring that our patients continue to receive the highest standard of health care through the dynamic environment the COVID-19 pandemic has created. We are following the recommendations by our local health departments and the Australian Government during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As your health professionals, we are committed to you, adapting with the National response and ensuring our patients receive safe and low-risk care. Throughout the pandemic, we have remained open and authentic to our purpose. We have not limited the care we are giving to our patients.

get what you need
We have introduced more booking categories for your health solutions
When you book an appointment or present to the practice, the process may have changed. We structure appointments to ensure that patient flow is meeting social distancing requirements. By introducing more booking categories, such as bookings specific for a COVID-19 vaccination, short consultation or telehealth appointment, we can simplify the process to get the health solution you need.
We have evolved the way we operate during this pandemic to ensure we follow all recommendations and guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We are passionate about your health, and we ask that you consider ours. Please follow our guidelines when visiting our practices to protect our staff and other patients and help decrease the spread of COVID-19.
Qualitas Health understands the importance routine care continues
After hours, home visits and nursing home services are still in place in all our practices.
Please speak to reception for practice-specific information regarding these types of out of practice care.

Please don’t delay speaking with your GP
Book an appointment at your nearest Qualitas Health practice today.
Covid-19 changes at our practices
How our practices are ensuring a safe method for care delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Our healthcare team of GPs, Allied Health, Nurses, Pathology Staff and Practice Administration staff are vaccinated against COVID-19 and screened before the commencement of every shift. Qualitas Health is committed to ensuring safe environments for our patients, and our team at all times.
For the safety of our patients, staff, and health care teams, we screen every patient that comes onsite, their carers or family who are in attendance before entry to our practices. Any patient or support person who is flagged will be screened by a health professional and referred onto a local testing facility. Our practices are not testing patients for COVID-19 and patients who meet the screening criteria will not be allowed entry to our practice unless they require emergency care. Our practice team will support you in the next steps to take if you meet the requirements for screening. When you nominate your GP at the time of screening, our practices are notified of your results, so you can continue to receive care and follow up by your GP.
Our healthcare team of GPs, Allied Health, Nurses, Pathology Staff and Practice Administration staff are vaccinated against COVID-19 and screened before the commencement of every shift. Qualitas Health is committed to ensuring safe environments for our patients, and our team at all times.
We have handwashing and hand sanitising stations, masks for patients who require added protection, and dedicated isolation areas.
Every practice has personal protective equipment for our staff to limit any risk of transmission of the virus.
All our practices now offer phone consultations
For your safety and the safety of our staff, all our practices are now offering phone consultations. If you already have a consultation booked and would prefer it to be a phone consultation, please make a “TELEHEALTH” appointment when booking.
We will endeavour to meet all your usual needs through these telephone consultations. If the doctor decides after the phone consultation that you need to be seen in person, this will then be arranged.
If you need to come into the practice please be aware of the compulsory social distancing measures:
- Wherever possible could you please minimise the number of people accompanying you to the surgery.
- Before entering the practice, please ensure that you are wearing a face mask and sanitise your hands.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any health concerns as our doctors and nurses are still available. Our aim is to offer you the best care we can.
I would like a COVID-19 Vaccination
Our practices are offering readily available vaccines to our patients. Once you have made your booking either online or via phone (noting practices may vary in booking method), we ask that you please ensure you are following all local government guidelines related to mask wearing. If you are required to wear a mask you must be wearing one before entering the practice.
After receiving a COVID-19 Vaccination
Even after receiving the vaccine, you must still follow public health precautions as required in your state or territory to stop the spread of COVID-19 including:
- Keep your distance – stay at least 1.5 metres away from other people
- Washing your hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitiser
- Wear a mask, if your state or territory has advised you should
- Stay home if you are unwell with cold or flu-like symptoms and arrange to get a COVID-19 test.
As with any vaccine, some people may experience side effects such as a sore arm, headache or fever. These side effects are usually mild and don’t last for long, but please tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that worry you.
You may refer to the COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect Checker for more information: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/covid-19-vaccine-side-effect-checker
You can also directly report suspected side effects to NPS Medicinewise on 1300 134 237.
Why do I sometimes have to wait outside?
We are limiting the number of patients onsite at any given time, and our hardworking practice staff are ensuring the safe flow of patients that are presenting by having signage and dedicated waiting areas for our patients.
To maintain safe social distancing in our practices, we require appointments to be staggered and may have alternative waiting arrangements. Each site has different capacities for patients, and until your appointment time, we may be unable to let you inside the practice.
If you are elderly, require seating or support, please let the practice know when you make your appointment so we can ensure we meet your needs when you arrive.
Keeping a safe distance from our staff & maintaining confidentiality
We have signage on the floor, distance barriers, screen guards on desks and safety equipment in our practices to not only alert patients to distancing requirements but to protect our hardworking staff and protect our patients. We thank all our patients for following these distancing guidelines.
We must continue to do identity screening on all our patients. Please ensure you are following the recommendations at your practice to ensure you are staying a safe distance away from patients who may need to disclose personal information for their privacy and confidentiality.
I’ve had tests done and need to get my results
Recall and reminder systems remain in place as the recommendations from the Australian Government are that our practices continue routine care. With the changes to the consultation methods available, patients can get the follow up of test or imaging results done by face to face, phone call or video calls. You will be actively recalled for your results by the practice procedure. This has not changed. If you have not consented to SMS contact and you wish you receive practice communication, please contact the practice and update your details.
I have children I will need to bring with me
We are ensuring we follow the social distancing recommendations. If you have children who are coming in for care, or will be attending with you, we advise that one parent or carer can be in attendance with one child.
Please ensure that you have another carer or parent in attendance with any other child.
The whole family may not be allowed to enter the practice together due to the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
GPs are required to follow the distancing rules, and overcrowding consultation rooms are not safe for our patients or our staff.
If you are unable to follow this advice, please call and speak to the Practice Manager or the Nurse for an alternative option.
Please be aware that all children and parents and carers who present with children are required to be screened. If you meet the screening criteria, we are unable to allow you to enter the practice until you have been referred to a GP.

Protect others and stop the spread
- Practise good hygiene
- Practise physical distancing
- Follow the limits for public gatherings
- Understand how to isolate if you need to
Trusted Information
Qualitas Health strongly recommends that patients follow the information updates and advice from trustworthy sources that include State specific Public Health websites, the Australian Government and the Health Department.