
Keeping You in Check – Men’s Health

All Practices, Head Office

Australian men now have a better advantage when it comes to practising mindfulness around their wellbeing. A more open dialogue from medical practitioners has brought clearer understanding to men’s health, allowing them to achieve better self-care solutions and to book regular check-ups with their GPs.

Practitioners now have a wealth of information when it comes to broader knowledge around men’s physical and mental health. The recommended good diet and plenty of physical activity can fall by the wayside for guys who deal with heavy work and family schedules. That extra walk or regular gym visit can be overlooked when there’s tasks to complete or catch-ups on with mates.

Staying up-to-date with immunisations is also important for preventing various diseases including flu shots and tetanus boosters. Your local GP will have all the answers you need when it’s time to set up a regular medical check throughout the year – a task that busy guys often overlook.

Men can be more in control of their wellness by booking in a yearly skin cancer check, blood pressure monitoring and a prostate screening. Just a few of the essentials required to prevent more serious conditions occurring down the road. Education is the key to spotting signs and symptoms of more serious conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Maintaining a good relationship with your GP will keep everything in check.   

Cardiovascular Health

Stats show that men in this country have a 1.8 times higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) 1:  and related conditions. It’s important to take notice of the following signs,high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and erectile dysfunction as they can all point to CVD. Regular monitoring is the best way to beat these and monitor for other risk factors.

Mental Health

When feeling challenged and overwhelmed men will often hesitate to seek help. Unfortunately, statistics tell us that around 18% of males live with mental health concerns, while young males experience an even higher incidence of psychological issues. Data shows that 31% of males aged between 16-24, 22% aged 22-34 and 18.5% aged 35-44, face poor psychological issues that significantly impact overall wellbeing.

Poor mental health can also contribute to substance abuse, and males are almost twice as likely as females to have experienced at the least a 12-month substance use disorder (4.4% compared with 2.3%) sometime in their lives. When you make an appointment, your GP will respect your confidentiality and give you sufficient time to express your thoughts and feelings. You should expect a thorough mental health assessment and support in addressing depression, anxiety and overcoming stress-related problems.

Prostate Health

As men age concerns with prostate cancer arise. When caught early, this disease records a high recovery rate, so a regular screening and consult with a GP can be a life-saving choice. It’s important for men to monitor their prostate health – early signs of prostate enlargement can be a change in the way you urinate including difficulty urinating, change in the stream, having to get up and urinate at night several times and blood in the urine. Most enlargement is benign, yet you should always talk to your trusted GP about these symptoms as some could be a warning sign of prostate cancer. 

Bone Health

Bone density is another age-related condition, and it’s smart to be aware that osteoporosis isn’t just a women’s issue. Over time men also experience bone density loss which can lead to an increased risk of fractures, a GP can give advice about improving bone health in the later years using supplements.

Testicular Health

Testicular cancer is a serious condition and generally more common in younger men. Early detection is crucial for a good recovery, checking and noticing any change or abnormalities in the testicles is an alert to see your GP immediately.

Sexual Health

Maintaining sexual health is essential in making sure that your quality of life stays on a good path. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), erectile dysfunction and fertility concerns can impact a man’s overall health quality. A trusted GP can provide guidance and appropriate referrals in this area.

Obesity and Weight Management

It’s always a good idea to maintain a healthy, average weight to prevent various health issues, particularlydiabetes. Men should have regular check-ups and monitor blood sugar levels to be aware of diabetes onset. A good GP can offer advice on better food choices, exercise and weight management, which will prolong your life and give you the chance to live longer with energy and vitality.

Chronic Respiratory Conditions

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is usually caused by smoking, or adverse work conditions and severely affect lung health. GPs can help manage these conditions, including asthma, and provide strategies for better overall respiratory health.

Individual health concerns will always vary, but some of these are directly related to your gender and lifestyle. Men can stay ahead of potential issues by having open and honest discussions with their GP to address specific needs. Remember, a regular check keeps you in check. Contact (name of practice) for a men’s health assessment today!


1: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/heart-stroke-vascular-diseases/hsvd-facts/contents/impacts/burden-of-cardiovascular-disease

Other useful stats available at:  https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/resources-support/fact-sheets/