Just nine short months after moving under the Qualitas Health banner, Gymea Medical Practice (GMP) is about to open the doors to its larger, newly-built premises, and the team couldn’t be more excited!

After the acquisition by Qualitas Health in August 2021, practice manager Marita was brought into the business to manage GMP. She reflects on this time “I knew about the [practice] move before coming on board, and it added to the excitement of the role. I’m someone who embraces the opportunity change can create,” said Marita.
“My previous experience in a medical centre was doctor-led, and I’ve been surprised that through the transition to a larger brand, I’ve found the Qualitas Health management team have supported me and are generous with their time. I feel appreciated and have very close working relationships at all levels of the business, right up to the Managing Director,” said Marita.
Marita continues, “I believe a positive culture comes from the top down, and what is passed on to me flows to my team.”
The new GMP site creates a welcoming and positive patient atmosphere that is practical for purpose. The Hamptons inspired decor employs natural materials and earthy hues to create a homely experience. “We have optimised the larger floor space to cater to a broader scope of community health needs. We are expanding our general practice offering and increasing the number of doctors available, increasing the specialised services we can offer the community, such as Skin Cancer Checks and the more targeted Women’s Health areas of IUDs and Cosmetic Injectables. We also have Physio and Pathology on site.”
“We continue to explore other ways to cater to our community. I would love to have an array of different specialists involved in our practice to support the Gymea and surrounding community,” said Marita.
Marita is a valued team member whom we regard for her ability to lead, inspire and nurture her team and the health of the Sutherland Shire community. With the move happening in Mid-April, the whole team at Qualitas Health is eager to reveal the new premier health hub in Gymea, New South Wales.
#gymeamedicalpractice #ourpeople #qualitashealth #empoweredwomen #communityhealthcare