Can you believe that as a society, we stopped hugging loved ones to protect them?
It seems incomprehensible now as we enjoy the social and intimate aspects of life that – WE WERE WARNED AGAINST HUGGING as a means to preserve life, not just in Australia, but across the world.
Vaccines save lives, and the COVID-19 vaccines have provided us with the ability to once more be with our friends and family, support our local businesses and use the modern-day amenities we have become accustomed to.
That’s why we are excited to share that Qualitas Health has administered 125,000 COVID-19 vaccinations to the Australian people across our 31 practices in NSW, VIC, QLD. We are proudly bringing people back together – in a big way!
To all of our hardworking people, we would like to say well done. You have put in a tremendous effort!